메인 비주얼 이미지
2025 JUNE 23-27
Ewha Campus Complex (ECC)
Seoul, South Korea
The STM conference is coming back after 20 years!
The STM conference existed from 1986 to 2005 as the "International Conference on Scanning Tunneling Microscopy", and it's about time we bring the community back together under one roof. We are inviting experts in scanning probe microscopy to STM'25 to continue this wondrous journey!
- Focus sessions:
- Quantum materials
- Spins on surfaces
- Light-matter interactions
- On-surface chemistry
- Novel techniques
Save the dates: June 23-27, 2025
Location: Ewha Campus Complex (ECC), Ewha Womans University, Seoul, South Korea
Invited Speakers
- JC Séamus Davis University of Oxford
- Zhen-Chao Dong University of Science and Technology of China
- Roman Fasel Empa
- Katharina Franke Freie Universität Berlin
- Wilson Ho University of California, Irvine
- Andreas Heinrich QNS
- Jenny Hoffman Harvard University
- Alex Khajetoorians Radboud University
- Sebastian Loth University of Stuttgart
- Ying Jiang Peking University
- Yousoo Kim RIKEN
- Peter Liljeroth Aalto University
- Vidya Madhavan University of Illinois
- Jascha Repp Universität Regensburg
- Roberta Sessoli University of Florence
- Joseph Stroscio NIST
- Ingmar Swart Utrecht University
- Kirsten von Bergmann Universität Hamburg
- Jens Wiebe Universität Hamburg
- Ali Yazdani Princeton University
- Yuanbo Zhang Fudan University
- Guillaume Schull IPCMS
- Leo Gross IBM Research, Zurich
- Sarah Burke University of British Columbia
- Joaquin Fernandez Rossier International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory
- Michelle Simmons UNSW Sydney
- Milan P Allan Universiteit Leiden
- Tyler Cocker Michigan State University
- Fernando Delgado Universidad De La Laguna
- Tetsuo Hanaguri Riken
- Takashi Kumagai Institute for Molecular Science
- Franz J. Giessibl University of Regensburg
- Shahal Ilani Weizmann Institute of Science
Steering Committee
Sander Otte
TU Delft -
Sebastian Loth
University of Stuttgart -
Sarah Burke
University of British Columbia -
Markus Ternes
FZ Jülich, RWTH Aachen -
Christian Ast
MPI Stuttgart -
Andreas Heinrich
Ying Jiang
Peking University -
Vidya Madhavan
University of Illinois -
Yousoo Kim
IBS Center for Quantum Conversion Research -
Kirsten von Bergmann
University of Hamburg -
Katharina Franke
Freie Universität Berlin -
Susanne Baumann
University of Stuttgart -
Michelle Randall